Stanford Dingley Parish Council Elections in May Your Parish Needs You! From: Stanford Dingley Parish Council On behalf of the Stanford Dingley Parish Council, we feel it important to write to everyone in the Parish and let you know that Local Council Elections will...
Palace of Westminster Tours with Laura Farris MP From Laura Farris: As we head into Spring with longer days and, hopefully, some better weather, many of you might be starting to plan day trips. Did you know that you can have a fascinating and free tour around...
2021 Village Survey results available online The results of the Village Survey conducted lin 2021 was presented to village parishioners at the Annual Parish Assembly on the 23rd April 2022. A PDF of the presentation given can be found here and on the documents section...
Have your say in your village's future! As those of you who came to the Annual Parish Assembly last night will be aware, Stanford Dingley Parish Council is carrying out a survey to capture the views and insights of residents of the village on what should be our key...
An update from your Parish Council Introduction Coronavirus thankfully seems to have had little medical impact on our community, but there has been an impact in communications and interactions in the village. The Village Assembly had to be postponed and the last two...
Speeding in the village has increased over the last few month and has been brought to the attention of the Parish Council. Action that is currently being taken is liaison with the local police and discussion with local farmers to ensure that tractor drivers adhere to...