The Stanford Dingley Parish Council

The Parish Council promotes local democracy through representing and upholding the collective views of those who live in our rural parish.
It has three main functions:
- to improve and sustain local character and quality of life
- to inform the administrative layers, above parish councils, about what is required by our community
- to liaise with West Berkshire Council and other agencies in the delivery of services as required by the community.
Parish Councils are funded principally by an annual precept. Income and expenditure for the next financial year are calculated in the form of estimates. The net amount (the precept) is added to council tax collected by West Berkshire Council and paid to parishes in two sixmonthly instalments. Parish and town councils can apply for other funding such as grant and funding awards, but they do not receive funds direct from central government, as principal authorities do.
What Do Parish Councils Do?
Parish Councils are statutory bodies that by law are granted rights and responsibilities as follows:
- The maintenance of a village green or other common space or pasture.
- The maintenance and protection of war memorials.
- The provision of allotments, including the duty to provide allotments if demanded by parishioners.
- The acquisition, provision and maintenance of cemeteries and the maintenance of closed church yards.
- The provision of bus shelters, public clocks, buildings for public meetings, community centres and facilities for sports, recreation and social events.
- The provision and maintenance of street lighting, roadside verges (including tree planting), litter bins, car parks, public conveniences, public seating, and some traffic signs.
- The maintenance of rights of way, ponds, ditches, public footpaths and bridle-ways.
- The right to appoint school governors.
- The right to be notified of planning applications.
- The passing of bye-laws in relation to open spaces, cemeteries, cycle parking and pleasure grounds.
- The provision of public entertainment and support for the arts.
What does Stanford Dingley Parish Council do?
The Parish Council promotes local democracy through representing and upholding the collective views of those who live in our rural parish. It has three main functions which are to improve and sustain local character and quality of life, to inform the administrative layers above parish councils about what is required by our community, and to liaise with West Berkshire Council and other agencies in the delivery of services as required by the community.
Relative to other parish councils, Stanford Dingley Parish Council’s remit is less wide-ranging. Stanford Dingley is the smallest parish in West Berkshire and, as we do not have a school, bus shelter, public conveniences, a cemetery or street lighting, there is no activity associated with managing such assets.
The Parish Council owns and manages the Village Hall (aka the Club Room), the Village Field (next to the church) and the Village Green (opposite The Bull Inn).
A full list of the acts of Parliament and powers that apply to Parish Councils can be found at the web site of the National Association of Local Councils.www.nalc.gov.uk
This Code is issued to meet the Government’s desire to place more power into citizens’ hands to increase democratic accountability. Transparency gives local people the tools and information they need to hold local public bodies to account.

Escaped Sheep
Jeremy 07770 363997
Sophie 07760 219145
Dredge Gang
Darren Coleman & Andy Mackenzie
Flood Warden
Hilary Dent

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© Stanford Dingley Parish Council 2020