Documentation Library
The Parish Plan
This is a document created in 2007 which documents the goals and focus for development within the Parish.
The Village Survey - Summary Results 2022
This is a pdf document of the village survey presentation given to the Stanford Dingley parishioners at the Annual Parish Assembly held on the 23rd April 2022.
The Parish Design Statement 2010
This is a document created in 2010 that sets out the directives for future planning considerations within the Parish.
Stanford Dingley Development Regime
A document produced by the Parish Council in 2019 to communicate to the parish on future planning perspectives for the Parish.
Escaped Sheep
Jeremy 07770 363997
Sophie 07760 219145
Dredge Gang
Darren Coleman & Andy Mackenzie
Flood Warden
Hilary Dent

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Stanford Dingley
© Stanford Dingley Parish Council 2020