Jane Body at Jewells Farm has been running a convservation project in the woods that lines the footpath that links the field opposite St Deny’s to the water meadow field on the way to Pangfield Farm.

The main aim of this project has been to remove some trees to allow more light into the woodland area to encourage and protect the rare wild flowers that are growing there. It is also to allow for greater bio diversity in the river Pang.

There are piles of logs that have been left alongside these woodlands for two reasons, one to project the wild flowers growing and also to encourage small wildlife habitats.

Please do not touch the woodpiles and leave them intact.

If you are interested in the conservation work going on here or wish to find out more information, please contact Jane on jewellsbarnartists@yahoo.co.uk

Escaped Sheep

Jeremy  07770 363997

Sophie 07760 219145

Dredge Gang

Darren Coleman & Andy Mackenzie 

Flood Warden 

Oliver Brooke


Hilary Dent


Contact Us

Helen Pratt - Parish Clerk

Please contact Helen to be put on the village mailing list.


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Stanford Dingley



© Stanford Dingley Parish Council 2020